Social Media Lab
We aren't your safe choice, but we're your most creative. Unfiltered ideas that are called crazy until proven right, that's what we believe in.

Content Creation | Copywriting | Graphic DesignAt Unhinged, we seek to add value to your brand through bold ingenuity.Our services cover everything from product shoots to engaging newsletters, and designing visuals that make a lasting impact.We believe in adding value to your brand, and we don't believe in selling you a service you don't need.

Content Planner
Doom Scroller!Content planners scroll so much that they always know what's trending.They strive on crazy ideas that others never think of, incorporating them into a marketing plan.
Content cREATOR
I Don't Know You!
Content creators make you want to walk away from them in public.They love meeting people and trying new things, bringing positive vibes to every project they take on.

video editor
Sunrise WatcherVideo editors always think the sun's up because of the blue light from their screens.They're familiar with all the flashy transitions you see on screen and replicate them so you doom scroll.
Graphic Designer
Why So Many Revisions?!
Graphic designers excel in digital design, illustrations, or animations.They love coming up with mood boards and fleshing out storyboards while putting in their own touch.

Career FAQ
Do I need an official qualification?
No. Unhinged intends to empower undergraduates and emphasizes on eagerness. Each position has a simple task that is used to gauge the applicant's suitability for the role.What's the salary for each position?
For now Unhinged only hires on an as per project basis. Think of it as a source for freelance work on a regular basis - you can accept and reject projects as you like.Are the positions only part-time?
Yes, for now Unhinged only hires part-timers on project basis - we want to incentivize work done rather than pay by the hour.How/When will I be informed about my application?
You'll be informed within a week or two (7-14 days) through email.Do I have to pay to sign up?
Please do not bank in or transfer any money to anyone claiming to be from Unhinged. All applications are not charged and submissions will never be used for commercial or personal use.